A Creative art community empowering our dreams......... Join us

About Us

We are a community of free thinkers and creative minds looking to share our dreams and talents. Our concept is to follow your joy in everything you do. We bring you products we have tested and believe in. Our artists bring love and joy to their work and it shows. One of our partners has change a lot of how we operate Lovearth.com has created a way for us to contribute to our favorite charity while getting great products.

Our Team

Matt Evans
djedi2.0sqDreamer and entrepreneur with the vision to empower artists and patrons alike. You will find more local artists here as we expand our team, stay tuned. An artist, engineer and craftsman with a drive to help other see their dreams in reality.

to learn more about Matt click here
to see his clothing art click here
to contact Matt click here



Stephanie Roughton

Brian Roughton


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